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UoCologne: Department of Economics

FAQ for Department and CER Members

Please find answers to frequently asked questions below. Any suggestions on how to improve this site and content or the addition of an entry are highly appreciated. Please use this form to contact us. Entries marked “CER only” or "CER" are services/modalities relevant for CER members only. CER members are persons attended to by Econ-Office Zollstock and Econ-Office Campus. If you are unsure of your status and who is responsible for you, check your personal profile on this website or contact us.

FAQ Categories

IT / Communication / Collaboration

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What are the WiSo- and  Personal-Accounts (University Account) used for?

IT / Communication / Collaboration
WiSo & Personal Account (Email, login, Personal Data)
For all;

How do I set up the CER network drive and what is it for?

IT / Communication / Collaboration
Network drive

What is Sciebo and how do I register?

IT / Communication / Collaboration
DEP_OfficeHolders; Doctoral Students; Office TuV; Office SHKWHB; POST DOCs;

What is Rocket Chat and how do I register?

IT / Communication / Collaboration
OfficeTuV; OfficeSHKWHB;

Personnel matters (CER)

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I am a new hire. What should I have on mind?

FAQ Personnel matters (CER)
New hire
CER office staff; new employees at CER

How do I request a leave of absence?

FAQ Personnel matters (CER)
Leave of absence
Doctoral Students; Office TuV; Office SHKWHB; POST DOCs;

What do I do when I am sick?

FAQ Personnel matters (CER) 
Sick leave
All CER-Employees

Teaching tools

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What is KLIPS and how do I use it?

Teaching tools
Department Teaching staff; Office staff;

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What is ILIAS and how do I use it?

Teaching tools
Department Teaching staff; Office staff;

How do I request to change my course's time slot?

Teaching tools
Course Scheduling
Department Teaching staff; Office staff;

Reimbursement (CER)

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How do I prepare and apply for travel cost reimbursement?

Reimbursement (CER) 
Travel expenses
Doctoral Students; POST DOCs;

Infrastructure and Support (CER)

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Who can help me set up hardware / solve computer issues?

Infrastructure and Support (CER)
IT support
All CER;

FAQ How do I invite a guest for a seminar talk etc?

Infrastructure and Support (CER)
Inviting guests
CER All;


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How do I request to publish / update information on the department's website?

Publish and update information
all Department members;