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How do I prepare and apply for travel cost reimbursement?

Reimbursement (CER) 
Travel expenses
Doctoral Students; POST DOCs;


The CER provides funds for Doctoral Students and POST DOCs for travel expenses (and fees) associated with conference participation, summer schools and research stays. Of course, the funding is limited. If your position is partly or exclusively funded via CGS (stipend), ECONtribute, IMPRS, ERC or DFG grants, or other similar sources, you are obliged to exhaust these sources before applying for CER funding.

To apply for CER funding, send the Travel authorization application from the Download section on the UoC-Administration-Site: to with subject TRAVEL_[LastName]_[Destination],

  • CC'ing your primary supervisor (for doctoral students) / "personalverantwortliche(r)" (for post docs), making sure they have agreed to the trip and to funding via CER's funds.
  • check the box "Please limit my reimbursement to" (found in the middle section of the form) and enter the estimated total cost there.

Please understand that you are responsible for adherence to the relevant rules and regulations and the reimbursement process. 


  • The Application Advance Payment for Travel Expenses (if you want to apply for advance payment) should be sent along with the “Travel authorization application” in the same email.
  • The Statement of Travel Expenses needed for reimbursement should be sent along with any supporting documents to

We will return the documents to you via email when signed by us. The signature on the “Travel authorization application” is also a guarantee of funding up to the entered reimbursement limit.
