How do I set up the CER network drive and what is it for?
IT / Communication / Collaboration
Network drive
We use a CER-Network-Drive to store data relevant for our organization. To grant access, we have to contact WiSo-IT to set up user rights for you. For this, send your office an Email.
To connect:
- U= \\\cer$
- V=\\\archiv-cer$
- smb://$
- smb://$
- See also WiSo-IT-Support and specifically their Instructions for Windows-Systems (in German)
Access from off campus additionally requires a UzK-VPN connection.
Be sure to assign the CER-drive locally to the Drive-letter "U:\"!!!! This is necessary for links between files to work. We use such links on the drive.
- If you get a security message when opening some MSOffice files (especially MSAccess), adjust the settings in the Office Trust-Center, to declare the relevant folders on the drive as safe.
File Structure
The CER-Drive has three main folders
- "Verwaltung": This should be accessible to all senior faculty and office staff of the CER .
- "Shk": This should be accessible to all Office-SHK/WHB and all senior faculty and office staff of the CER. It generally contains at least folders with the name of each SHK/WHB.
- "Mitarbeiter": We can set up a subfolder here, named with your last name, that only you can access. Let us know if you want to use this.
Backup policy for the network drive
The WiSo file server is backed up once a day, in the time window 19-22:00.
WiSo-IT can retrieve a deleted file within 60 days of deletion, not later. This policy applies to home, seminar, and archive drives as well as the public drive.
!! Please direct any but the simplest queries to WiSo-IT-Support, which administers the network drives.