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Acting Professor (CER) | Econ-Office Zollstock
Profile|CV (pdf)| ORCID |Research Affiliate, University of Passau
Research Interests: Experimental and Behavioral Economics | +402214708666
Office hours by appointment
4.229 (SSC) Universitätsstraße 22a; 50937 Köln

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Research Interests

Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Conflict Resolution, Experimental Ethics, Gender Differences, Corruption, Lab-in-the-field Experiments

Short Bio

Katharina Werner is an Acting Professor at the University of Cologne and a member of the Center for Social and Economic Behavior (CSEB). She is also a Research Affiliate at the University of Passau, a Senior Affiliate at Behavia Behavioral Public Policy and Economics Consulting, and a member of the Collective Decision-Making and Culture Lab.

Her research focuses on behavioral and experimental economics. She uses experimental methods to analyze human behavior in the context of global challenges such as climate change, conflict, corruption and gender imbalances.

Katharina Werner studied economics, social sciences, and business administration at the University of Passau and the University of Cincinnati. She earned her Ph.D. in economics from the University of Passau in 2016, graduating summa cum laude and receiving the Helmut Schmalen Dissertation Award. She has held research visits at the University of California San Diego, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and the Universidad del Rosario Bogotá. Before her current role, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair for Experimental and Behavioral Economics (Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach) at the University of Cologne.


Giamattei, M., & Werner, K. (2024). Gender differences in post-competition honesty—An experimental analysis. Frontiers in Behavioral Economics3, 1455686.

Hall, J., Werner, K. (2022): Trauma and trust: How war exposure shapes social and institutional trust among refugees. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.786838

Werner, K., Lambsdorff, J. Graf (2019): Emotional Numbing and Lessons Learned after a Violent Conflict - Experimental Evidence from Ambon, Indonesia. Journal of Development Studies. DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2019.1590550.

Lambsdorff, J. Graf, Giamattei, M., Werner, K., Schubert, M. (2018): Team reasoning—Experimental evidence on cooperation from centipede games. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0206666.

Lambsdorff, J. Graf, Giamattei, M., Werner, K. (2016): How Fragile Is Conditional Cooperation? A Field Experiment with Smartphones during the 2014 Soccer World Cup. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 30(2): 492-501. DOI: 10.1002/bdm.1968

Working Papers

Violent Conflict and Parochial Trust – Survey and Lab-in-the-field Evidence (with Ahmed Skali). R&R, Journal of Development Economics.

The impact of gender information on hiring decisions based on self-set performance targets (with Bettina Rockenbach and Susanna Grundmann). R&R, Management Science.

First Names and Ascribed Characteristics (with Bettina Rockenbach and Susanna Grundmann). R&R, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

Intrinsic Motivation vs. Inclination to Corruption – Experimental Evidence from four Countries on the Performance of Officials (with Johann Graf Lambsdorff and Kevin Grubiak). Under Review.

Punishing Only Officials? A Cross-Country Experimental Study of Asymmetric Anti-Corruption Measures (with Johann Graf Lambsdorff and Kevin Grubiak). Under Review

Comparing Anti-Corruption Methods: Punishing Abuse of Office Best Reduces Welfare Losses Across Four Countries (with Johann Graf Lambsdorff and Kevin Grubiak). Under Review.

Exploring Contact Interventions: The Power of Free Communication in Fostering Post-Conflict Social Cohesion (with Swee-Hoon Chuah). Close to submission

Assessing private solutions to collective action problems in a 34-nation study (with Eugene Malthouse et al.). Close to submission.


Does natural resource scarcity induce hostility? An experimental investigation in asymmetric common-pool resource settings (with Stephan Geschwind and Johann Graf Lambsdorff) kann inzwischen hoch zu Working Papers, Status Under Review

Bei Projects kann manches raus und sollte anderes rein, hier wäre eine korrekte Liste:

Preferences for redistribution, reward of individual merit, and market integration: Experimental evidence from small-scale societies of Papua New Guinea (with Gianluca Grimalda, University of Passau, Andreas Pondorfer, Technichal University of Munich, and Matthias Sutter, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods). Write-up stage.

Reconciliation after inter-group conflict: Testing different types of contact interventions in the lab (with Swee Hoon Chuah, University of Tasmania). Write-up stage.

Fatalism, social optimism and climate change adaptation (with Gianluca Grimalda, University of Passau). Data collection.

The Origin of Altruism – Evidence from an Indigenous Population in Papua New Guinea (with Gianluca Grimalda and Johann Graf Lambsdorff, University of Passau). Data collection.

Political versus Pro-Poor Motives in Redistribution Across Regime Types: Experimental Evidence (with Marina Dodlova, University of Passau). Data collection ongoing.

Cognitive Architectures for the Design of Realistic Agents (with Benno Torgler, Stephen Whyte, Ho Fai Chan, Queensland University of Technology; Ahmed Skali, University of Groningen; Daniel Conroy-Beam, University of California, Santa Barbara; Dan Nicolau, Kings College London). Grant proposal under review.

Do markets impair social responsibility? An experimental study on the role of feedback, technology, externalities and voluntariness (with Johann Graf Lambsdorff, University of Passau). Grant proposal close to submission.

Awards and Grants

2023 Teaching Excellence Award by the University of Passau
2020 German Research Foundation (DFG): Grant for project “Between reciprocity and responsibility - contributions of experimental corruption research”; co-applicant (main applicant: Johann Graf Lambsdorff), € 350,000.

Fritz Thyssen Stiftung: grant for project „Behavioral Economic Approaches to Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention in Indonesia”, € 21552

Joachim Herz Stiftung: Add-on fellowship, € 12500

2016-2018 Postdoctoral Scholarship granted by the Free State of Bavaria
2016 Dissertation Award “Helmut-Schmalen-Preis”
2013 German Foundation for Peace Research: grant for project “Group identity and discrimination – an experimental analysis on peace reconciliation”, €19000

Conference Presentations and Invited Talks

2024    2nd Workshop on Gender in Adaptive Design, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Prague Conference on Behavioral Sciences; Annual Workshop of the Center for Social and Economic Behavior (C-SEB), University of Cologne; Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental Economics GfeW, Cologne.

2023    WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Invited Talk. Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental Economics GfeW, Erfurt; ESA World Meeting Lyon; SABE-IAREP, Nice; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Invited Talk; Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Invited Talk; Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Invited Talk;

2022    19th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Copenhagen; Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental Economics GfeW, Salzburg; Symposium on Economic Experiments in Developing Countries, Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá.

2021    Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental Economics GfeW, Magdeburg; 11th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics, Burgundy School of Business, Dijon; Discrimination and Diversity Workshop, University of East Anglia (online).

2020    Lindau Laureate Meeting, Scientific Matinée, Invited Talk.

2019    ZEW Mannheim, Invited Talk; Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental Economics GfeW, Düsseldorf; Workshop Behavioral Insights in Development and Peacebuilding, University of Göttingen, Göttingen; Bay Area Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop, San Francisco.

2018    Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga, Invited Talk; “Building Sustainable Peace” International Research and Policy Workshop on Post-Conflict Processes, German Development Institute, Bonn, Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental Economics GfeW, Paderborn; ESA World Meeting, Berlin; 18th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, Verona.

2017    “Indonesia Workshop on Experimental and Development Economics”, RMIT University, Melbourne; Monash University Melbourne, Invited Talk; RMIT University, Invited Talk; U4 conference “On the Move - Exploring Contemporary Dynamics of Migration”, Uppsala University; 6th International ACCER Workshop on “Cross-Cultural Experiments in the Social Sciences, Economics and Management”, University of Duisburg, Invited discussant.

2016    Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental Economics GfeW, Gießen, Symposium on Economic Experiments in Developing Countries, Busara Center for Behavioral Economics, Nairobi; ESA World Meeting, Jerusalem; Young Economists’ Meeting, Brno; International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (IMEBESS), Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli Rome; Development Network Berlin Workshop, Berlin.

2015    London Experimental Week, Workshop: Better Policies – Better Lives, Middlesex University London; Symposium for Development Economics, University of Passau; Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental Economics GfeW, Hamburg; The Social and Biological Roots of Cooperation and Risk, Institut für Weltwirtschaft, Kiel; Behavioural Science & Policy, University of Nottingham.

2014    Symposium on Economic Experiments in Developing Countries (SEEDEC), Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen; International Workshop “Exploring Culture and Behaviour by Economic and Psychological Experiments", Duisburg; Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental Economics GfeW, Passau; 4th ACCER Workshop on Cross-Cultural Experimental Economics Research, Duisburg.


  • Winter 24/25: Economic Design (BSc), Game Theory (MSc)
  • Summer 24: Market Design & Behavior (Seminar, MSc.)