Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer

Department of Economics, Econ-Office Zollstock (Building 415)
Sibille-Hartmann-Straße 2 - 8; 50969 Köln
Office 3.528 (Entrance B, Orange, 3rd Floor)
Office hours by appointment
Director, FiFo Institute for Public Economics
Academic Director MSc Economic Research & PhD Programme in Economics
Working Papers
- Pareto-improvements, welfare trade-offs and the taxation of couples, with Pierre Boyer, Andreas Peichl and Daniel Weishaar, December 2024
- Is a uniform price on Carbon desirable?, June 2024
- Competitive fair redistricting, with Mattias Polborn, Februar 2024
- The taxation of couples, with Pierre Boyer, Andreas Peichl and Daniel Weishaar, July 2023 (Longer Discussion Paper Version: CEPR, CESifo, ECONtribute)
- Pareto-improving tax reforms and the Earned Income Tax Credit, with Pierre Boyer and Emanuel Hansen, Econometrica, vol. 91, pp. 1077-1103, 2023.
- Taxes and Turnout, with Aleh Tsyvinski and Nicolas Werquin, American Economic Review, vol. 112, pp. 689-719, 2022.
- Politically Feasible Reforms of Nonlinear Tax Systems, with Pierre Boyer and Andreas Peichl, American Economic Review, vol. 111, pp. 153-91, 2021.
- Harry Potter and the welfare of the willfully blinded, In: Deliberate Ignorance: Choosing not to know, edited by R. Hertwig and C. Engel. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol 29. Cambridge, MA: MIT press, 2021.
- All or nothing: State capacity and optimal public goods provision, with Justus Winkelmann, Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 185, pp. 1049-55, 2020.
- Robust Mechanism Design and Social Preferences, with Axel Ockenfels, Andreas Pollak and Desiree Rueckert, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 149, pp. 59-80, 2017.
- Mechanism Design and Intentions, with Nick Netzer, Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 163, pp. 557-603, 2016.
- Robustly Coalition-Proof Incentive Mechanisms for Public Good Provision are Voting Mechanisms and Vice Versa, with Martin Hellwig, Review of Economic Studies, vol. 83, pp. 1440-1464, 2016.
- Efficiency, Welfare and Political Competition, with Pierre Boyer, Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 131, pp. 461-518, 2016.
- Tax incidence for fragile financial markets, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 120, pp. 107-125, 2014.
- The Pareto-frontier in a simple Mirrleesian model of income taxation, with Pierre Boyer, Annals of Economics and Statistics, vol. 113/114, pp. 185-206, 2014.
- Optimal tax and expenditure policy with aggregate uncertainty, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 6, pp. 205-257, 2014.
- Strategic Nonlinear Income Tax Competition with Perfect Labor Mobility, with Craig Brett and John A. Weymark, Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 82, pp. 292-311, 2013.
- Political competition and Mirrleesian income taxation: A first pass, with Pierre Boyer, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 103, pp. 1-14 (lead article), 2013.
- Distortionary Taxation and the Free-Rider Problem, International Tax and Public Finance, vol. 19, pp. 732-752, 2012.
- On the optimality of optimal income taxation, Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 146, pp. 2105-2116, 2011.
- Incomplete contracts and excludable public goods, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 95, pp. 553-569, 2011.
- Optimal democratic mechanisms for taxation and public-good provision, with Marco Sahm, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 94, pp. 453-466, 2010.
- A Note on Optimal Income Taxation, Public Goods Provision and Robust Mechanism Design, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 93, pp. 667-670, 2009.
- Optimal Income Taxation and Public Good Provision with Endogenous Interest Groups, Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 311-342, 2009.
Publications in German
- Nachhaltigkeitsziele und das Lieferkettengesetz, Wirtschaftsdienst, vol. 102, no. 5, pp. 344-346, 2022.
- Mehrheitsfähige und wohlfahrtssteigernde Reformen des deutschen Steuer- und Transfersystems: Von Entzugsraten, Mittelstands- und Wohlstandsbäuchen, mit Andreas Peichl, Dominik Sachs und Daniel Weisshaar, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 191-202, 2021.
- Effizienz oder Gerechtigkeit: Ungleiche Einkommen, ungleiche Vermögen und optimale Steuern, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Ausgabe 17(1), pp. 2-24, 2016.
Contributions to Policy Blogs
- Fantastic tax cuts and where to find them, with Pierre Boyer and Emanuel Hansen, VoxEUcolumn, July 2023
- The road to individual taxation, with Pierre Boyer, Andreas Peichl and Daniel Weishaar, VoxEU column, June 2023
- Tax reforms and politcal feasibility, with Pierre C. Boyer, Andrew Lonsdale and Andreas Peichl, IPP Policy Brief n°74, September 2021
- Towards politically feasible and welfare-improving tax reforms, with Pierre Boyer and Andreas Peichl, VoxEU column, October 2020
- Steuervermeidung vermeiden. Sollen wir das wollen? Ifo Schnelldienst, Ausgabe 11/2013.
- Die Wirkung einer Finanztransaktionssteuer auf ein instabiles Finanzsystem, Ökonomenstimme, September 2012.
- An interview of John Weymark, with Claude d’Aspremont in Marc Fleurbaey and Maurice Salles, Eds., Conversations on Social Choice and Welfare Theory – Vol. 1, 2021
- Essays on Public Goods Provision and Income Taxation, Dissertation, University of Mannheim, 2006
Unpublished manuscripts
- Public-Good Provision in Large Economies 1: Linear Payment and Provision Cost Functions, with Martin Hellwig, March 2016
- Boring Banks and Taxes, with Rafael Aigner, April 2015
- On the legitimacy of coercion for the financing of public goods, December 2011
- Political Blockades and Election Timing, with Lydia Mechtenberg, September 2010