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Univ. of Cologne | Department of Economics and Department of Econometrics and Statistics (*)

Dissertations and Placement

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014

The years refer to publication of the dissertation.

Name Dissertation Title Chair / Co-chair Placement Current Position


Arnold, FabianEssays in Energy Economics: Incentives and Consumer ResponseProf. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / /  
(*)Hansen, Philipp ChristianStatistical Methods for the Analysis of Financial RiskProf. Dr. Jörg Breitung / Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied /Quantitative Analyst, CredaRate Solutions GmbHQuantitative Analyst, CredaRate Solutions GmbH
Harrs, SörenEssays on Economic Decision- Making in Times of CrisesProf. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach / /  
Hidalgo Villacís, Eduardo IvánEssays on the Economics of Indigenous Peoples and Violence in Latin AmericaProf. Dr. Erik Hornung / Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl /Operations and Development Analyst, VikingSenior Analyst. Viking
Lencz, DominikEssays on the Market Design and Regulation in Energy EconomicsProf. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / /  
Markefke, Theresa FreyaThe Role of Institutions, Firm Wage Policies, and Working Time for Labor Market Prospects of Employees - Essays in Labor EconomicsProf. Michael Krause, PhD / Prof. Dr. Christian Bredemeier /Advisor, BundesnetzagenturAdvisor, Bundesnetzagentur
Melentyeva, ValentinaEssays in Labor and Gender EconomicsProf. Dr. Sebastian Siegloch / /Assistant Professor, Tilburg UniversityAssistant Professor, Tilburg University
Müller-Rehm, RebekkaEssays on Institutions in Health Care and Labor MarketsProf. Michael Krause, PhD / Prof. Dr. Christian Bredemeier /Scientific Advisor, Federal Ministry for HealthScientific Advisor, Federal Ministry for Health
Reinhardt, Jan LukasEssays on Social CohesionProf. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach / Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels /  
Schlund, DavidEssays on the Economics of Hydrogen as an Energy CarrierProf. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / /  
Schmidt, Stefan AlexanderEssays in Behavioral EconomicsProf. Dr. Matthias Sutter / Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels /Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck InstituteSenior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute
Schuster, FlorianPublic Policy in Financial Markets and Government FinanceProf. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer / Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert /Economist, Dezernat ZukunftSenior Economist, Dezernat Zukunft
Wildgrube, TheresaEssays on the Economics of Carbon PricingProf. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer /Co-Lead Carbon Markets and Pricing, adelphiCo-Lead Carbon Markets and Pricing, adelphi
Wysietzki, MarcoEssays on Public EconomicsProf. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer / Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert /Consultant, IW ConsultConsultant, IW Consult
Zinke, JonasOn Market Designs for the Transition of Power Systems towards Climate NeutralityProf. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / Jprof. Dr. Oliver Ruhnau /  



Gramb, Marius Essays on Microeconomic Theory  Christoph Schottmüller / Alexander Westkamp Quantitative Risk Manager, Roland Rechtsschutz Quantitative Risk Manager, Roland Rechtsschutz
Monteiro, Sofia Gabriela Youngleson The Behavioural Economics of
Interventions for Healthier
Beliefs, Choices and Outcomes
Matthias Sutter / Bettina Rockenbach Postdoc, Kiel Institute for the World Economy Postdoc, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Essays in Behavioral
Development Economics
Matthias Sutter Young Professional - Economist, The World Bank Young Professional - Economist, The World Bank
Lucas Radke-
Essays in Monetary Economics Johannes Pfeifer / Michael Krause

Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank

Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank
Essays on selected regulatory
issues of liberal professions
Wambach / Michael Krause
Strategie & Transformation, Ministerium der Finanzen des Landes Nordhein Westfalen Strategie & Transformation, Ministerium der Finanzen des Landes Nordhein Westfalen
On Discrimination and
Responsible Consumption:
Essays in Behavioral Economics
Bernd Irlenbusch / Oliver Gürtler Management Consultant, DHL Consulting Management Consultant, Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
BEHAVIOR - Three Essays in
Experimental Economics -
Bernd Irlenbusch / Matthias Sutter Data Analyst, Neue Zürcher Zeitung Data Scientist, FUNKE
(*) Stenz,
Topics in the statistical analysis
of rare events and high-
dimensional data sets
Breitung /
Rainer Dyckerhoff
Lecturer, Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung Lecturer, Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung
Essays in Organizational
Oliver Gürtler / Christoph Schottmüller Associate Consultant, b.telligent Consultant, b.telligent
(*) Zenzes,
Heterogeneous Treatment
Effects of Behavioral and
Environmental Risk
Factors on Infants’ Health at
Birth: A Causal Machine
Learning Approach
Tom Zimmermann / D. Wiesen Assistant Professor of Econometrics, University of St. Gallen Assistant Professor of Econometrics, University of St. Gallen

zum Seitenanfang


Bocklet, Johanna Essays on the Market Design of the EU Emission Trading System Marc Oliver Bettzüge / Felix Bierbrauer  Senior Research Consultant, EWI - University of Cologne Manager Politics and Regulation, E.ON Germany
Breuer, Kevin Leonard Essays on Market Design Axel Ockenfels / Alexander Westkamp    
Chen, Yiqiu Essays on Incentives in Matching Markets Alexander Westkamp / Christoph Schottmüller Data Scientist, HOSPITALITY.digital Data Scientist, HOSPITALITY.digital
Farukh, Razi Essays on Credence Goods with Applications to Health Care and News Markets Matthias Heinz / Johannes Münster    
Hinkel, Niklas  Quantitative Essays on Resource and Energy Economics Van Anh Vuong / Marc Oliver Bettzüge Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied System Analysis Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied System Analysis
Kaldorf, Matthias Chriostopher Essays on Macroeconomics, Collateral, and Default Risk Martin Barbie / Andreas Schabert Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank
Möller, Markus Essays on Matching Markets Alexander Westkamp / Christoph Schottmüller Visiting Scholar, Boston College Postdoc, University of Bonn
(*) Reh, Laura Annabelle Dynamic Modeling and Forecasting of Financial Portfolio Weights Roman Liesenfeld / Jörg Breitung Treasury Risk Analysis and Data Science, Bayer Treasury Risk Analysis and Data Science, Bayer
Salicath, Daniel Working Title: Essays in Behavioral Economics Matthias Sutter / Bettina Rockenbach Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods Senior Advisor, Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
Vogel, Marius Essays in Public Economics Felix Bierbrauer / Johannes Münster Advisor, Wissenschaftsrat Tax Policy Advisor, Fraktion DIE LINKE. im Bundestag
Wicknig, Florian Essays in Monetary and Financial Economics Andreas Schabert / Michael Krause Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank Economist, European Central Bank


zum Seitenanfang


Cam, Eren Essays on the Economics of Energy Systems and Markets Marc Oliver Bettzüge / D. Lindenberg Senior Research Consultant & Head of Energy Commodities Energy Analyst, International Energy Agency
Fugger, Carina Experiments on Climate Change Mitigation Achim Wambach / Oliver Gürtler Specialist - Strategy and Transformation, Zurich Insurance Specialist - Strategy and Transformation, Zurich Insurance
(*) Hartkopf, Jan Patrick Modeling and Forecasting of Realized Covariance Matrices of Asset Returns using State-Space Models Roman Liesenfeld / Jörg Breitung Risk Model Developer & Project Lead, parcIT GMBH Senior Data Scientist, AXA
Hartmann, Anna Anja Brigitte Essays on Macroeconomics and Labor Markets Michael Krause / C. Bredemeier    
Hintermayer, Martin Otto On the Theory of Emissions Trading - Applications to the EU ETS Marc Oliver Bettzüge / Felix Bierbrauer Senior Consultant, Roland Berger Chief of Staff Regulated & Infrastructure, Roland Berger
Just, Lisa Essays on Electricity Market Design and the Regulation of Distribution Networks Marc Oliver Bettzüge / Christoph Schottmüller Senior Research Consultant, EWI - Universität zu Köln Senior Research Consultant, EWI - Universität zu Köln
Mertesacker, Sebastian Essays on the Empirical Analysis of Residential Energy Demand Van Anh Vuong / Johannes Münster Analyst, Frontier Economics Economic Consultant, Frontier Economics
Schmidt, Lukas On Market Designs for Emission Reduction - Interplay of Carbon and Power Market Marc Oliver Bettzüge / P. Cramton    
Schneider, Cornelius Johannes Franziskus Three Essays on Experimental Public Economics  Felix Bierbrauer / Ch. Engel Postdoc, University of Mannheim Postdoc, University of Mannheim
(*) Umbach, Simon Lineu Macroeconomic Forecasting and Evaluation with Supervised and Neutral Network Reinforced Factor Models Jörg Breitung / R. Kruse-Becher Data Scientist, AXA Head of Data Analytics, AXA


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Ackfeld, Viola Sophia Essays on Repugnancein Economic Transactions Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels /    
Bernau, Patrick Learning. Giving. Teaming Up. Essays in Economic Decision Experiments Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter /    
Föll, Tobias Essays in Labor Economics and Labor Market Policy Prof. Michael Krause, PhD /    
Kerkhof, Anna-Kristina Essays in Media Economics Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster /    
Kutzker, Tim Specification Testing in Econometric Models Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied /    
Löbbing, Jonas Essays on Economic Inequality Prof. Dr. Peter Funk /    
Loenser, Christian Essays on Monetary Policy and Financial Regulation Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert /    
Verrina, Eugenio Essays on Moral and Ethical Behavior in Experimental Economics Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach /    


zum Seitenanfang


Becker, Fabian Essays On the Optimal Interplay of Early and Late Education Subsidies and Taxation Alexander Ludwig / Martin Barbie    
Beiler, Hendrik Essays on the Economics of Entrepreneurship Susanne Prantl / D. Sliwka    
Mass, Helene Robust Behavior in Auctions Achim Wambach / Felix Bierbrauer Postdoc, University of Bonn Assistant Professor, University of Vienna
(*) Otto, Sven Three Essays on Structural Stability of Time Series Models Jörg Breitung / Dominik Wied Postdoc, University of Bonn Assistant Professor, University of Cologne
Peter, Jakob Essays on Structural Stability of Time Series Models Marc Oliver Bettzüge / D. Lindenberger Senior Manager, Enertrag AG / CAPHENIA GmbH Secretary General, Expertenrat für Klimafragen
Praxmarer, Matthias The role of social cues and social reference points in economic decision-making Mathias Sutter / Bettina Rockenbach Senior Research Fellow Behavioral Economics, Max Planck Society Controlling, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG
Saxler, David Bahavior in Everyday Life. Experimental evidence on collaborative cheating, social responsibility and risk aversion Bernd Irlenbusch / M. Heinz    
Schulte, Simon Essays on Supply Diversification of the European Natural Gas Market Marc Oliver Bettzüge / D. Lindenberger Manager & Head of Gas Markets, EWI - University of Cologne Head of Business Development - Hydrogen Germany, Uniper
(*) Stark, Florian Detecting Structural Breaks in Factor Copula Models and in Vectors of Dependence Measures Dominik Wied / J. Steinebach    
Thenée, Frederik Essays on Entry Costs and the Firm Population Susanne Prantl / M. Heinz Postdoc, University of Cologne  
Tonke, Sebastian Using Behavioral Interventions to Foster Resource Sustainability Bettina Rockenbach / Matthias Sutter Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Society Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Society
Untertrifaller, Anna Coorperation, Diligence, and Ethical Behavior: Four Essays in Experimental Economics Matthias Sutter /  Bettina Rockenbach    
Viehmann, Johannes Essays on market design and strategic behavior in short-term power markets Marc Oliver Bettzüge / F. Höffler    
(*) Wigger, Christoph Essays on the Impact of Skilled Immigration on Innovation Susanne Prantl / Jörg Breitung    


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Asfuroglu, Dila Essays on Inflation in Emerging Markets and Developing Countries Andreas Schabert / Michael Krause Instructor, Bogazici University Assistant Professor, MEF University
(*) Bekierman, Jeremias Modeling and Forecasting Asset Volatility Roman Liesenfeld / D. Hess Manager, Deloitte Senior Manager, Deloitte
Bendel, Daniel Essays on Monetary Policy, Banking and Business Cycles Andreas Schabert / M. Scheffel Data Scientist, eyeo Lecturer, University of Witten Herdecke
Fischer, Mira Essays in Behavioral Economics of Education: Experimental and Empirical Studies on Information  D. Sliwka / Bernd Irlenbusch Postdoc, WZB Berlin Social Science Center Postdoc, WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Flore, Raphael Optimal Financing Structures Felix Bierbrauer / M. Hellwig Economic Consultant, Frontier Economics Economic Consultant, Frontier Economics
(*) Kemper, Thorsten Child Leisure Activities and Skill Development Peter Funk / Jörg Breitung    
Löffler, Max Essays in Public and Labor Economics Felix Bierbrauer / A. Peichl Economist, ifo Institute Assistant Professor, Maastricht University
Obermüller, Frank Essays on the Efficient Integration of Renewable Energies into Electricities F. Höffler / Marc Oliver Bettzüge Economist, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Manager, optEnergy Consulting
Paulus, Simon Essays in Energy Economics Van Anh Vuong / Marc Oliver Bettzüge    
Schielke, Anne Lydia Gisela Providing and Conserving Collective Goods Bettina Rockenbach / Johannes Münster    
Ungerer, Martin Four Essays on Inequality and Migration D. Jaeger / Michael Krause Big Data Analyst, Deutsche Bahn Fernverkehr AG Advanced Researcher and Graduate Study Coordinator, ZEW
Wagner, Johannes Essays on Renewable Energy in Liberalized Electricity Markets F. Höffler / Marc Oliver Bettzüge    
Weiser, Florian Four Essays in Imperfections in Energy Markets Marc Oliver Bettzüge / F. Höffler    
Zoller, Claudia Essays on fairness, coordination, and diligence - Experimental evidence from children and young adults Matthias Sutter / Bettina Rockenbach Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute Research Advisor, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre


zum Seitenanfang


Boonmanunt, Suparee Time preferences, conservation and the role of groups: Experiments in Thailand Bettina Rockenbach / Matthias Sutter Lecturer, Mahidol University Assistant Professor, Mahidol University
Busch, Christopher Essays on Individual Labor Income Dynamics Michael Krause / Alexander Ludwig Assistant Professor, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics Associate Professor, LMU München
Kaufmann, Christoph Essays in Monetary and International Macroeconomics Andreas Schabert / Michael Krause   Senior Financial Stability Expert, EZB
Knaut, Andreas Essays on the Integration of Renewables in Electricity Markets F. Höfler / Marc Oliver Bettzüge    
Münstermann, Leonard Invaliditätsversicherung zwischen Markt und Staat - ein konstitutionenökonomischer Reformvorschlag Achim Wambach / H. Schradin CEO & Founder, Ausus Office Services CEO & Founder, Ruhrwelt Grundbesitz GmbH
Paschmann, Martin Heinrich Five Essays on the Economics of Short-term Power System Flexibility Marc Oliver Bettzüge / Van Anh Vuong Data Scientist, REWE Digital GmbH Director Data Strategy, AI & Data Science, Douglas
(*) Pokotylo, Oleksii Depth- and Potential-Based Supervised Learning K. Mosler / Jörg Breitung IT Consultant, Accenture Software Engineer / Data Scientist, PwC Deutschland
Pollak, Andreas Essays on Mechanism Design & Industrial Organization Axel Ockenfels / Oliver Gürtler    
Schielke, Anna Lydia Gisela Providing and Conserving Collective Goods Bettina Rockenbach / Johannes Münster    
Sommer, Eric Essays in Empirical Public Economics Felix Bierbrauer / A. Peichl Research Associate, IZA Institute of Labor Economics Research Fellow, IZA Institute of Labor Economics
(*) Vogler, Jan Analysis of Latent Gaussian Models with Spatial Dependence Roman Liesenfeld / Dominik Wied    
Waligora, Marcin Behavior in Rent-Seeking Contests: The Role of Beliefs, Bounded Rationality, Envy, and Group Identity Bettina Rockenbach / Sliwka Analyst, Frontier Economics Manager, Frontier Economics


zum Seitenanfang


Arentz, Christine Bürgerprivatversicherung: Weiterentwicklung und Wege zu ihrer Implementierung im deutschen Gesundheitssystem Achim Wambach / H. Schradin Research Assistant, UNECE & Bundesbank  Professor, University of Applied Sciences Cologne
(*) Bazovkin, Pavlo Geometrical Methodsin Multivariate Risk Management: Algorithms and Applications K. Mosler / Jörg Breitung    
Feldhaus, Christoph Social Context and Behavior under Uncertainty Axel Ockenfels / Bernd Irlenbusch / Kölle   Academic Council, Ruhr University of Bochum
Fugger, Nicolas Essays on Procurement Design Achim Wambach / Axel Ockenfels Researcher, ZEW Professor, University of Köln
Hummel, Caroline-Antonia Challenges of Fiscal Federalism: The Fiscal Effects of Equalization, Credit Access and Transfer Dependency Clemens Fuest / Felix Bierbrauer    
Kajackaite, Agne Economics of Ethical and Prosocial Behavior: Experiments on Social Responsibility, Ignorance, and Cheating D. Sliwka / Bernd Irlenbusch Postdoc, University of Southern California Senior Assistant Professor, University of Milan
Kruse, Jürgen Empirical Essays on Energy, the Environment, and Innovation Marc Oliver Bettzüge / C. Growitsch    
Läufer, Ines Zur Absicherung des Prämienrisikos im Krankenversicherungssystem der USA vor und nach dem Affordable Care Act Achim Wambach / H. Schradin Advisor, Bundesgesundheits- ministerium Head of Department Inhouse Consulting, Landschaftsverband Rheinland 
Lichter, Andreas Essays on the Economics of the Labor Market Michael Krause / G. Pfann Research Associate, IZA Bonn Junior Professor, HHU Düsseldorf
Rauch, Anna Empirical Essays on Fiscal Federalism Felix Bierbrauer / A. Peichl    
(*) Tischler, Benjamin Four Essays on the Economics of Oil and Gas Markets Van Anh Vuong / Jörg Breitung   Team leader, AI4Energy


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Danilov, Anastasia Social Norms and Behavior in Teams. Evidence from Economic Experiments D. Sliwka / Bettina Rockenbach    Assistant Professor, Einstein Center Digital Future, Humboldt University of Berlin
Gössl, Florian Essays on competiton policy Achim Wambach / Oliver Gürtler / Johannes Münster Corporate Development Consultant, AXA Head of SME Property, AXA
Heuermann, Karen Charlotte Topics in Behavioral Economics – Cooperation in Social Dilemmas and Intertemporal Decision-Making Bettina Rockenbach / M. Nardotto / M. Schröder    
Mans, Johannes Trust in Markets - Essays on Feedback Systems and Advice Giving Axel Ockenfels / D. Sliwka Consultant, Kienbaum Senior Expert Compensation & Benefits, REWE
Rilke, Rainer Michael Experiments on Ethical Bahavior Strategic Interactions Cooperation, Honest, and Fairness Bernd Irlenbusch / E. Hölzl Assistant Professor, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management  Professor, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Rückert, Désiréé Essays in Public Economics Felix Bierbrauer / Johannes Münster Economist, European Investment Bank (EIB) Economist, European Investment Bank (EIB)
Schön, Matthias Life Cycle Economics, Health, and Inequality Alexander Ludwig / Michael Krause Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank
Zeppenfeld, Christoph Decisions under Uncertainty: Preferences, Institutions, and Social Interaction Bettina Rockenbach / Achim Wambach Founder and CEO, SWARM Senior Operations Manager, evolutiq GmbH
Zhurakhovska, Lilia Impartial Decision Makers and other Third Parties in Moral and Social Dilemmas An Experimental Analysis Bettina Rockenbach / D. Sliwka Assistant Professor, Mercator School of Management Assistant Professor, Mercator School of Management



Burghaus, Kerstin Endogenous growth, technical change and pollution control: Insights from a Schumpeterian growth model with productivity growth and green innovation Peter Funk /  Alexander Ludwig Postdoc, University of Cologne Economist, ifo Institute
Conrads, Julian Essays in Behavioral Business Ethics Bernd Irlenbusch / Matthias Sutter Senior Consultant, concern GmbH Professor, THM Business School
Dobroschke, Stephan Industrieller Elektrizitätskonsum und staatliche Lenkungsoptionen – Eine Bewertung am Beispiel amtlich verfügbarer Firmendaten Felix Bierbrauer / F. Höffler    
Dörrenberg, Philipp Empirical Essays on Tax Compliance Clemens Fuest / D. Slikwa Senior Researcher, ZEW Professor, University of Mannheim
Elberg, Christina Essays on the Economics of Electricity Markets F. Höffler / Achim Wambach   Professor, University of Applied Sciences Dortmund
Jägemann, Cosima Four Essays in the Economics of Decarbonization and Renewable Energy Support Marc Oliver Bettzüge / D. Lindenberger Specialist, Stadtwerke München GmbH Manager, SWM Reginale Erneuerbare Stromerzeugungsgesellschaft mbH
Jänisch, Janina Die Berücksichtigung von Waldkohlenstoffspeichern im internationalen Klimaschutz Achim Wambach / T. Jäger    
Kern, Johannes Four Essays on Decision and Game Theory C. Alós-Ferrer / Achim Wambach    
Kochskämper, Susanna Das Gesundheitssystem in der Europäischen Union: Perspektiven für eine künftige Ausgestaltung J. Eekhoff / Achim Wambach    
McKenzie, Thomas Compulsory and Voluntary Contributions to Public Goods: Three Essays on Higher Education, Charitable Donations and Volunteering D. Sliwka / Bernd Irlenbusch Lecturer, University of Dundee, Scotland Professor, CBS International Business School
(*) Mozharovskyi, Pavlo Contributions to Depth-based Classifications and Computation of the Tukey Depth K. Mosler / Jörg Breitung Postdoc, Centre Henri Lebesgue Professor, Télécom Paris
Neumann, Dirk Tax -Transfer Systems in Europe: Between Efficiency, Redistribution and Stabilization Clemens Fuest / Felix Bierbrauer Postdoc, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)