UCologne Department of Economics - PhD Student
Anna Person

Department of Economics, Econ-Office Campus (SSC Building 102)
Universitätsstraße 22a, 50923 Köln; Office: SSC 4.319
Email: person@wiso.uni-koeln.de
Office hours by appointment
Primary Supervisor: Pia Pinger
PhD Student, Cohort of 2020;
Research Interests
Education and Labor Economics
Short Bio
- Since 2020: PhD Student in Economics, University of Cologne, Germany
- 2017-2020: MA in Economics, University of Modena, Italy
- 2014-2017: BA in Political Science, Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna, Italy
Working Papers
Person, Anna (YYYY), Age at School Entry and Gender Occupational Segregation, joint with Yana Radeva and Radost Holler
Person, Anna (YYYY),Surfeel: teaching children to verbalise emotions, joint with Barbara Boelmann, Miguel Morin and Luisa Santiago Wolf
Person, Anna (YYYY), Parental Health Shocks and Young Adult Outcomes: A Study of Intergenerational Care, joint with Emma Paladino
- Summer 25 Thesis supervision in economics (B.Sc., M.Sc.)
- Winter 24/25 Teaching Assistant for Applied Econometrics (M.Sc.)